Here's the basics:
- prompt user for location to export to.
- display a filedialog containing a file filter for image types
- check whether the given filetype is acceptable
- if there is no filetype present, append the currently selected file filter file extension
- save the data
def on_export(self, event=None):
"""Exports the current sheet as an image, or all as a PDF."""
filename = self.export_prompt()
if filename:
def export_prompt(self):
"""Returns the filename to save to"""
val = None # return value
wc = ("PNG (*.png)|*.png|JPEG (*.jpg, *.jpeg)|*.jpeg;*.jpg|" +
"BMP (*.bmp)|*.bmp|TIFF (*.tiff)|*.tiff")
dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, _("Export data to..."), style=wx.SAVE |
wx.OVERWRITE_PROMPT, wildcard=wc)
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
filename = dlg.GetPath()
_name = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].replace(".", "")
types = {0: "png", 1: "jpg", 2: "bmp", 3: "tiff"}
if not os.path.splitext(filename)[1]: # no extension
_name = types[dlg.GetFilterIndex()]
filename += "." + _name
val = filename
if not _name in meta.types[2:]:
wx.MessageBox(_("Invalid filetype to export as:")+" .%s" % _name,
_("Invalid filetype"))
val = filename
return val
#------ the util.export() method:
def export(self, filename):
const = get_wx_image_type(filename)
context = wx.MemoryDC(self.gui.board.buffer)
memory = wx.MemoryDC()
x, y = self.gui.board.buffer.GetSize()
bitmap = wx.EmptyBitmap(x, y, -1)
memory.Blit(0, 0, x, y, context, 0, 0)
bitmap.SaveFile(filename, const) # write to disk
def get_wx_image_type(filename):
Returns the wx.BITMAP_TYPE_X for a given filename
_name = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].replace(".", "").lower()
types = {"png": wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG, "jpg": wx.BITMAP_TYPE_JPEG, "jpeg":
wx.BITMAP_TYPE_JPEG, "bmp": wx.BITMAP_TYPE_BMP, "tiff":
return types[_name] # grab the right image type from dict. above
meta.types is a Python list of valid filetypes, e.g. ['jpg', 'png', 'bmp'...]
Now, sure, I could go in an test that given a particular filetype, the MessageBox is displayed (or not), or that entering no file name appends the correct extension.
The easiest way for me to test this is to draw a bunch of lines, and then try exporting it. I verify the file dialog appears, the file type filter works. I try selecting PNG, and typing in test. I see a file named test.png is created, I open it, it matches my image. I repeat the process, typing test2.png. File test2.png is created.
Writing mock GUI dialogs to return fake values and doing this in a TDD manner just seems like it wouldn't have helped much. I know there's a bit of code repeat (in get_wx_image_type) and this may not be the best example.
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